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State Funding > The Arizona Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) Program

The Arizona Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) Program

At Miacademy, we’ve been hard at work partnering with various state funding agencies across the country. Our goal is to make quality education more accessible, and we’re accomplishing our goal one state at a time. 

If you’re homeschooling in Arizona, we have some exciting news! 

Miacademy’s accredited homeschool curriculum is now an eligible purchase for the Arizona Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program!

Recipients of the Arizona ESA program can use their funding for almost all homeschool expenses, including:

  • Educational software, apps, and hardware, such as laptops or calculators
  • Large supplemental items, such as dry erase boards, chairs and bookshelves
  • Small supplemental items, such as books, markers, board games, manipulatives, microscopes, STEM kits, and more
  • Educational subscriptions and curricula, such as Miacademy and MiaPrep

What is the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) in Arizona? 

The Empowerment Scholarship Account Program is a state-funded program that allows Arizona parents to reallocate the tax dollars that would pay for their child’s public school education. Originally introduced in 2012, the program is now available for K-12 students in Arizona and currently serves over 71,000 children across the state.

The ESA funds cover an array of educational expenses, from private school tuition to homeschool classroom supplies and transportation passes. For students with disabilities, the funding also covers educational therapies, paraprofessionals, evaluations, and other accommodations. The program allows parents to choose the best educational option for their child while minimizing out-of-pocket spending. Families receiving ESA funds can use the online marketplace or request a pre-loaded debit card for their purchases.

For the 2022-2023 school year, Arizona students in kindergarten received about $4,000, while students in grades 1-12 received between $6,000-$9,000. Students with documented disabilities may qualify for additional funding for assistive technologies, therapies, paraprofessionals, evaluations, and more.

Who Qualifies for the Arizona ESA? 

All K-12 student residents of Arizona are eligible. If your student has a documented disability, they may be eligible for extra funding. 

To meet the eligibility requirements, your child must be at least 5 years old by September 1 of the school year. You’ll also need a birth certificate or other legal document with both you and your student’s names. If your name does not match the name on the legal document exactly, you will need to provide proof of a legal name change.

Finally, you need to prove that you are a resident of Arizona. There are several different acceptable documents, such as property tax bills, W-2 forms, utility bills, and tribal certificates. You only need one, and it must contain your permanent residential address.

Young woman with curly hair using her laptop for homework

How Do I Get Miacademy with the ESA Scholarship in Arizona?

To use your ESA funds for online curriculum subscriptions such as Miacademy, you’ll first need to create an account and submit your application. Once your application is approved, you’ll receive access to Classwallet, the funding distribution service. Once you receive your funds, you can make purchases directly through the convenient online marketplace or request a pre-loaded debit card. 

When using your ESA funds, save any invoices or receipts in case you need to request reimbursement. For tutoring or private school tuition, you will need to provide proof of accreditation with your invoice. For the full list of allowable expenses and reimbursement instructions, reference the Arizona ESA Parent Handbook.

Want to know more about the Empowerment Scholarship Account in Arizona? Visit the Arizona Department of Education for more information and an in-depth look at scholarship eligibility. 

If you have any questions about using your Empowerment Scholarship Account for Miacademy or MiaPrep, feel free to chat with one of our helpful customer service agents! They’ll be happy to help you find the answers you need. 


How much does the ESA in Arizona pay?

For the 2022-23 school year, the Arizona ESA program awarded $4,000 to kindergarten students and $6,000-$9,000 for students grades 1-12. Students with documented disabilities may be eligible for more funding.

What can you use AZ ESA funds for?

You can spend ESA funds on a variety of educational expenses. Eligible purchases include private school tuition, homeschool curricula, classroom and school supplies, laptops, textbooks, and more. For students with documented disabilities, funding can also be used for educational therapies, evaluations, paraprofessionals, and other accommodations.

Information accurate as of: 12/12/2023. The information provided on this site is intended for research purposes only. Miaplaza is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or outdated information, or for the results yielded through use of this information.