Colorado Parents Challenge
At Miacademy, we’ve been hard at work partnering with various state funding agencies across the country. Our goal is to make a quality education accessible for every student, and we’re accomplishing our goal one state at a time.
If you’re homeschooling in Colorado, we have some exciting news to share with you!
Miacademy is now an approved purchase for the Colorado Parents Challenge Scholarship!
What is the Colorado Parents Challenge?
The Parents Challenge in Colorado provides low-income families financial support for all educational choices, whether it be private, public, charter public, or home school. The Parents Challenge aims to support families in choosing the best educational option for their child and to close the educational performance gap between students who are in adequately funded schools and students who are not.
The Colorado Parents Challenge grants up to $2,100 per year for private schools in the form of a direct scholarship to the school.
For students attending traditional or charter public schools or homeschools, grants may reach up to $1,100 annually and can cover the cost of:
- Tutoring
- Online programs
- Computers
- Academic software programs
- Required uniforms
- Transportation
- Activity fees
- Other uses, with staff approval
Parents Challenge funding may be limited to two students per family per year, depending on funding availability.
Who Qualifies for the Colorado Parents Challenge?
To qualify for the parents challenge, students must be in grades K-12, live in El Paso County, meet financial requirements, and provide necessary tax documents.
Annual household income must be at or below the listed amount to qualify for free or reduced lunch. Your federal tax return may be required as proof of income and number of household members.
In addition to the above, parents are required to:
- Attend the Parents Challenge orientation and fulfill the commitments agreed upon at orientation
- Attend all required parent sessions during the school year
- Volunteer at least 10 hours per semester at their child’s school or community organization
- Submit the parent/student journal on time
- Keep all email contact information up to date
How Do I Get Miacademy with the Colorado Parents Challenge?
To get Miacademy using your Parents Challenge grant, you’ll need to get your subscription expense authorized in advance and provide receipts to the Parents Challenge organization. The grants will be paid back after your expenses have been accounted for.
Information accurate as of: 07/09/2024. The information provided on this site is intended for research purposes only. Miaplaza is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or outdated information, or for the results yielded through use of this information.