Image of Taos Pueblo, a UNESCO World Heritage site

How to Start Homeschooling in New Mexico

Are you thinking about making the switch to homeschooling? You’re not alone — the Land of Enchantment is a popular state for home education. Homeschooling laws are minimal, allowing plenty of customization for both students and parents.
Whether you’ve homeschooled before, or you’re wondering how to get started, we’ll cover everything you need to know about homeschooling in New Mexico.

Homeschooling in New Mexico at a Glance

New Mexico – The Land of Enchantment

Required Age5-18
Standardized TestingNot required
SubjectsReading, language arts, math, social studies, science
Time Requirements1,140 hours
Graduation RequirementsDetermined by parent
Special RequirementsMust submit immunization records
Financial Resources AvailableNo

Parent Qualifications

Parents must be qualified to start homeschooling in NM. You’ll need a high school diploma or equivalent to be eligible to teach at home.

Notice of Intent

State law requires you to submit a Notice of Intent to the New Mexico Public Education Department within 30 days of beginning to homeschool. This can be done either by mail or online, and it needs to be submitted annually by August 1st for each year you continue to homeschool. 

If you choose to mail your notice, it’s advised to send it by certified mail to the following address: 

New Mexico Department of Education

Attn: Homeschool Notification

300 Don Gaspar Ave.

Santa Fe, NM; 87501

You’ll also need to provide notice again if you move or re-enroll in a public or private school. If you completed your Notice of Intent online, you can also send these notifications on the same website.

Be sure to print out your verification of enrollment form from the online portal, or keep any mail correspondence from the Public Education Department and local school district. These documents are important for your homeschool records.


All students need to receive 1,140 hours of instruction per year, except half-day kindergarten students, who should receive 550 hours per year. Parents are free to choose a schedule that works best for them and can take as much time as needed to cover the material.

Homeschool Curriculum

The State of New Mexico requires students to study, at minimum, the following subjects: 

  • Reading
  • Language arts
  • Math
  • Social studies
  • Science

Parents are encouraged to enroll their students in additional subjects they’re interested in. The addition of electives like foreign languages, art, music, and even vocational education can deeply enrich a student’s education. One of the benefits of homeschooling is the flexibility of these additional opportunities. 

You can find a homeschool curriculum online that includes these different subject areas or create your own.

Accredited Homeschool Programs

Choosing the best homeschool curriculum can be hard with so many options! If you want to ensure your child is getting a great education, you may be interested in an accredited homeschool curriculum! Accredited homeschool programs must meet high standards of academic quality and rigor to maintain their accreditation status. Miacademy’s online homeschool curriculum is accredited by the ACS-WASC, and can help you meet state requirements with little need for supplementation. 


New Mexico homeschool laws do not require homeschool students to participate in state testing. However, students who are planning to attend college should still take entrance exams, such as the SAT and ACT. 

Zuni Native plays a drum in a ceremony in Gallup, New Mexico

Record Keeping

The only documents you are required to keep on file by law are a copy of your diploma or equivalency and your child’s immunization records or exemption. It’s also recommended to keep any paper correspondence from the Department of Education, such as verification of enrollment documents.

A homeschool portfolio is a great way to keep important items safe and organized. Other things to put in a portfolio can include: 

  • Attendance records
  • Test scores
  • List of courses taken
  • List of course materials used
  • Some of your child’s best work

We recommend keeping at least 2-3 years’ worth of material in your portfolio. You should also plan to keep records from every year of your child’s high school education for use in creating transcripts.


Transcripts are an important part of the college admissions process. Transcripts list all the courses, credit hours, and final grades your student has earned, so their future college can assess their academic performance.

You can make your own transcripts or enroll in an online homeschool program that provides them for you.

Graduation Requirements

In New Mexico, parents can decide when their student is ready to graduate. Students also have the unique opportunity to include career-specific courses in their high school work to prepare them for the workforce.

Parents will need to provide a homeschool diploma, as the state does not provide them for you. Some students opt to take the GED exam, which is recognized as a high school diploma equivalency in all 50 states. Eligible students aged 18 and older (or with parent permission) can take the test.

Financial Resources

Unfortunately, there are no state-funded resources for NM homeschool families at this time. However, we encourage you to search for private grants or scholarships that you may qualify for.

Other Tips & Resources

For more information about homeschooling in New Mexico, check out: 

If you’re wondering whether Miacademy or MiaPrep would be the best homeschool curriculum for your family, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer service team! They’ll be happy to help you find the answers you need. 

The information provided is intended for research purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. To obtain accurate and comprehensive details on New Mexico homeschool laws, we recommend consulting the official resources and guidelines provided by your state. Additionally, staying informed about any changes to these laws is important, so be sure to look out for any updates. 


What are the requirements for homeschooling in New Mexico? 

You must have a high school diploma or equivalent, submit proper notice, keep your child’s immunization records on file, and teach the required subjects: reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies. 

How do I register my child for homeschooling in New Mexico?

You can register your child for homeschooling either by certified mail to the New Mexico Department of Education or by online submission at

Is unschooling legal in New Mexico?

New Mexico’s lenient homeschooling laws allow parents to explore many types of homeschooling styles, as long as the requirements are met.

The information provided on this site is intended for research purposes only. Miaplaza is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or outdated information, or for the results yielded through use of this information.