Image of the Connecticut State Capitol with fall leaves
Homeschool > Homeschooling Laws by State > How to Start Homeschooling in Connecticut

How to Start Homeschooling in Connecticut

Have you homeschooled before, or are you thinking about making the switch to homeschooling? You’re in the right place!

Connecticut’s homeschool laws are very relaxed, leaving plenty of room for customization. Parents are able to enjoy all the freedom and flexibility that come with homeschooling!

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the homeschooling requirements in Connecticut, so you can start homeschooling in CT with confidence today!

Homeschooling in Connecticut at a Glance

Connecticut – The Constitution State

Required Age5-18
Standardized TestingNot required
SubjectsReading, geography, writing, U.S. history, government (local, state and federal), math, English grammar, spelling, and citizenship
Time RequirementsNone
Graduation RequirementsDetermined by parent
Special RequirementsNone
Financial Resources AvailableNo

Parent Qualifications

CT homeschool laws do not require parents to have any specific qualifications to homeschool. 

Notice of Intent

Your local school district may request a Notice of Intent, but it is not required by law. A Notice of Intent can also be helpful as proof of homeschool enrollment if your student plans to take the GED.

If you do want to file the notice, simply complete a form for each student and send them to the superintendent. Be sure to make a copy for your records, too! You can find the form on the official State of Connecticut’s Homeschool page.

If you are choosing to homeschool in the middle of the year, it’s important to withdraw your student in writing. This will help prevent any truancy issues in the future.


There are no requirements for days or hours of instruction. Homeschool families have full control over their school schedule and can teach when it’s most convenient for them!

Homeschool Curriculum

While Connecticut is very lenient on how and when you teach, they do have some requirements for what you teach. Homeschool parents should be prepared to teach the following subjects: 

GeographyEnglish grammar
United States historyCitizenship
Town, state, and federal government

Parents can follow the Connecticut State Graduation Requirements to prepare students for life after high school. Parents can create their own curriculum or find an online homeschool curriculum that meets the state requirements.

Accredited Homeschool Programs

Choosing the best homeschool curriculum can be hard with so many options! If you want to ensure your child is getting a great education, you may be interested in an accredited homeschool curriculum! Accredited homeschool programs must meet high standards of academic quality and rigor to maintain their accreditation status. Miacademy’s online homeschool curriculum is accredited by the ACS-WASC, and can help you meet state requirements with little need for supplementation. 


The State of Connecticut doesn’t require homeschool students to participate in state standardized testing. However, we highly recommend that any students who are interested in college take at least one readiness exam, as many schools require it. You can find the SAT or ACT available to take online or on paper at an approved testing center.

Instead of standardized testing, your district may request that you participate in a portfolio review. This will most likely happen if you do decide to submit the optional Notice of Intent. A portfolio review is not required by law, and you are allowed to decline the request.

If you would like to participate, you’ll need to provide a few samples from each subject. The purpose of a portfolio review is to verify that the required subjects are being taught. 

It is not an assessment of your child’s academic performance or your instruction ability. 

School districts will most likely ask for a portfolio review if you submitted a Notice of Intent. Because portfolio reviews are rare and district-initiated, you’ll need to communicate with your district for more information.

Image of Sugarloaf Mountain overlooking the Connecticut River at sunset in autumn

Record Keeping

State law does not mandate record keeping. However, it’s a good idea to keep at least 2 to 3 years’ worth of material on hand. A homeschool portfolio is a perfect way to keep these records safe and organized. Good items to keep include: 

  • Attendance records
  • Courses taken
  • Materials used
  • Test scores
  • Some of your student’s best work


If your student plans to apply to college, you’ll need to provide a high school transcript for them. A transcript is a list of all courses, credit hours, and final grades earned from grades 9th-12th.

You can make your own transcripts or enroll in an online homeschool program that provides them for you.

Graduation Requirements

The State of Connecticut does not regulate graduation requirements for homeschooled students. Parents are encouraged to talk to their child about their career aspirations and design a curriculum that supports their interests. You can also make sure the curriculum follows the Connecticut State Graduation Requirements to ensure your child is prepared for college.

Parents should be prepared to present their child with a homeschool diploma, as the state does not provide one. Students can also take the GED if they wish to have a diploma that is state-recognized.

Financial Resources

Unfortunately, the State of Connecticut does not provide any financial assistance to homeschool families at this time.

Other Tips & Resources

For more information about homeschooling in Connecticut, check out: 

If you’re wondering whether Miacademy or MiaPrep would be the best homeschool curriculum for your family, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer service team! They’ll be happy to help you find the answers you need.

The information provided is intended for research purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. To obtain accurate and comprehensive details on Connecticut homeschool laws, we recommend consulting the official resources and guidelines provided by your state. Additionally, staying informed about any changes to these laws is important, so be sure to look out for any updates. 


What are the requirements for homeschooling in CT?

To homeschool in Connecticut, all you are required to do is teach the mandated subjects. Subjects include reading, geography, writing, U.S. history, government (local, state and federal), math, English grammar, spelling, and citizenship.

Is unschooling legal in Connecticut? 

Connecticut’s minimal homeschooling regulations allow parents to choose whichever type of homeschooling works for their child. As long as the student practices the required subjects, families are encouraged to teach however they think is best.

Information accurate as of: 07/12/2024. The information provided on this site is intended for research purposes only. Miaplaza is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or outdated information, or for the results yielded through use of this information.