Middle School Online Homeschool Curriculum
Middle school is an important and exciting time in your child’s life, but it comes with new challenges. Your tween is maturing, which is great for taking on more responsibilities, but it also comes with mood swings, sarcasm, peer influence, and more as your child experiences new difficulties and pressures.
You may find the best online homeschool program for your middle schooler, then their interests seem to change overnight. Your child may feel jaded about learning in general, compounded by the lack of confidence and insecurity children often feel at this age. It’s essential to find a homeschool curriculum that supports and engages your middle schooler while pushing them ahead in their learning journey.
Boosting Confidence in Learning
New academic and peer pressures with the added stress of growing up can be exhausting, and you may be wondering how to help.
A lack of motivation or insecurity can negatively impact learning at this age. Boosting your child’s confidence is key in getting them excited about learning and preparing them for high school. Give your child ownership over their learning by allowing them to:
- Choose what they want to learn
- Retake or redo assignments to learn from immediate feedback
- Take a mastery-based approach to learning
All of these can increase your child’s confidence in both learning and themselves. Some control at this stage in their learning allows them to make mistakes, explore, and work at their own pace. In doing this, students can see value in growth and their own ability to make progress. The best middle school homeschool curriculum should not only boost confidence but also provide a foundation for high school.

Middle School Math Curriculum
Middle school students work on basic skills and strategies for all four operations, fractions and decimals, geometry, reasoning skills, and measurement. Once students have mastered these, they are ready to move into Pre-Algebra 1, learning geometry, algebraic concepts, and simplification of terms. By 8th grade, many students take Pre-Algebra 2, focusing on exponents, inequalities, and factoring. This combination of courses seamlessly aligns with MiaPrep’s 9th grade Algebra 1 course, setting students up for success in high school.
Middle School ELA Curriculum
Middle school students have a natural need to express themselves. During the middle school years, students dig deeper in genres of books that speak to them and use their writing abilities to tell the world about themselves. Middle school students are introduced to and guided through the process of writing expository, persuasive, comparative, and research-based texts.
Middle school students learn about Greek and Latin roots, advanced grammar studies, and a wide variety of authors and themes. Developing these writing and reading skills prepares middle schoolers for their transition to high school, where they’ll be expected to read and write higher-level texts independently.
Middle School Science Curriculum
Studying science in middle school is crucial for developing a deeper understanding of the natural world, encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It prepares students to comprehend complex concepts, test new claims and theories, and understand the connections between all living and nonliving things on our planet. Engaging with science at this age also paves the way for exploration and innovation into adulthood.
Students should learn a well-rounded program of Earth, Space, and Life Sciences. They should also begin to explore the connections between math and science, such as solving energy equations, working with variables, and working with distance, height, mass, force, energy, and acceleration. These topics will prepare students for physics and chemistry in high school.
Middle School Social Studies Curriculum
At this age, your child can learn more about the history of the world and its people, current events, and everything in between. To be prepared for high school social studies, middle schoolers need a solid foundation in government, economics, and U.S. history, all of which are covered by Miacademy’s curriculum.
Your child may also be ready for more advanced classes on topics like the Civil War and World War I. Our world geography courses, with in-depth videos about specific countries, capitals, traditions, and cultures, let your child take ownership of their learning and study areas that interest them.
Studies into Ancient World History and cultures allow students to make connections between social studies and other interest areas. This is a perfect chance to let your child explore their interests through their middle school homeschool curriculum.
Miacademy’s Accredited Middle School Program
Our accredited middle school program allows students to develop responsibility and time management. Working at their own level and pace allows them to catch up on skills they need for high school or to solidify what they already know. As middle schoolers build this solid base of knowledge, responsibility, and time management, they can focus more on successes than failures and become well-rounded students.
We focus on the core preparatory subjects for high school while also providing middle schoolers with opportunities beyond the basics, like creating their own virtual business and design studio. With Miacademy, middle schoolers also get the social opportunities they need in a safe, moderated online community. Your child can develop valuable social skills and navigate friendships in a supportive, welcoming online space.
When you use our accredited middle school curriculum, your student can:
- Develop their eye for form with our middle school art curriculum, like “How to Draw and Shade a Cube”
- Be immersed in world cultures with beginning foreign language learning in French, ASL, and a more in-depth introductory Spanish course
- Boost your language arts and vocabulary skills with classical languages like Latin and Attic Greek
- Explore our Life Skills curriculum for middle school, including typing, computer skills, and detailed career exploration lessons
- Learn how to code with simple functions and algorithms in our coding curriculum for middle school and high school students
- Enroll in elective Biblical Studies, including the Old and New Testament, scripture memorization, and Jewish bible study and holidays
Homeschooling with Miacademy
At Miacademy, our mission is to support our homeschooling families any way we can. We offer a powerful parent portal and array of reporting tools, so you can create your child’s schedule, view their progress, and make a report card in just a few clicks. We also offer top-notch customer service in a convenient online chat.
Finally, you can rest assured knowing that you’re not alone and that the Miacademy community is here for you! If you ever need help or additional homeschooling advice, you can check our Miacademy parent Facebook group or send us a chat — many of our friendly customer service agents are homeschool parents with tweens of their own!
Still have questions about how to homeschool your middle schooler? Feel free to reach out to our helpful customer service team to see how Miacademy or MiaPrep can support you!
Updated 01/08/2024