10 Homeschool Field Trips (With Free Virtual Options!)
Ask any public school student: The best day of school is field trip day! When homeschooling, you get to enjoy the freedom and flexibility to have field trips whenever you want — no permission slips needed.
We’ve come up with a list of some of the best homeschool field trips out there, with both in-person and virtual opportunities.
Virtual field trips may not quite compare to in-person visits, but they can extend learning opportunities beyond driving distance — check out the Louvre in Paris, the vast subterranean world of the Carlsbad Caverns, and even the surface of Mars, all without leaving your couch.
Here is our list of homeschool field trip ideas and virtual adventures for you and your family to take:
1. Planetarium or space center
Virtual option: Voyage of Curiosity: A Martian Chronicle
If you live near a planetarium or space center, making time for a visit can be a great way to get your students interested in our solar system and universe! Many space stations offer tours on a set schedule, which you may need to book in advance. Planetariums will also have viewing times and may cost a small fee.
2. Farms, ranches, or botanical gardens
Virtual option: Virtual Field Trip: Simply Country Ranch
If you’re learning about where food comes from or studying plant life, you’ll find that these field trips can be a fun educational experience for everyone involved. Depending on where you live, this may be a warm-weather activity, unless you live near a greenhouse!
3. Museums of all kinds
Virtual option: Enjoy the Louvre at Home!
The classic field trip option is the museum, of course. Some museums to try include art museums, science museums, natural history museums, baseball museums, presidential museums, you name it! In addition, many museums offer discounted admission during specific hours, or for children under a certain age. Many museums even offer free admission for local visitors! If you’re on a tight budget, then the museum may be a good option for you.
4. Fire station, police department, or city hall
Virtual option: Memphis Fire Department Virtual Field Trip
If your student is learning about different careers, taking them on a tour of the fire station or city hall can inspire them to serve their communities. Many fire stations offer tours on a set schedule or with advance notice. Some police stations offer tours as well, but be sure to call ahead and confirm with your local department.
5. A bakery, mill or factory
Virtual option: Tabasco Brand Factory & Museum Virtual Tour
If you’re learning about agriculture, nutrition, or where food comes from, a tour of a bakery or mill can be an exciting educational experience. If you’re learning about the Industrial Revolution or manufacturing, factory tours are another good option! For example, the Gibson Guitars factory in Nashville, the Hershey chocolate factory in Pennsylvania, or the Tabasco hot sauce factory in Louisiana all offer wonderful tour experiences for families.
6. Beaches, lakes or rivers
Virtual option: Exploring the Underwater World: Blue Planet II
If you live near a body of water, going out on a warm day can be a great opportunity to learn about ecosystems and aquatic life. Whether you’re on a beach in Florida or a mountain lake in Colorado, you can spend time analyzing the different plants, animals, rocks, and shells you find and enjoying the fresh air.

7. State parks, national parks, and historical landmarks
Virtual option: Carlsbad Caverns National Park 360 Virtual Visit
If you’re learning about ecosystems, landforms, or even social studies, visiting your local nature reserve or historical landmark can help your child make real-world connections to their learning. Many state and national parks include historical points of interest, such as pioneer homes, churches, and sometimes even farms and cemeteries. You can even pack a picnic lunch and have a snack while you learn!
8. Aquariums and zoos
Virtual option: San Diego Zoo Animal Live Streams
Another classic field trip option is the zoo or aquarium. If your student is learning about different types of animals, sea life, or even ecosystems, a trip to your local zoo or aquarium can be as educational as it is fun! Some zoos and aquariums offer discounts for students or children below a certain age or discounts on some days or hours. Check with your local zoo or aquarium to see if they have any upcoming deals on admission before you book!
9. Local colleges and libraries
Your local colleges and libraries are great places to look for free educational opportunities! From events and workshops to physical resources like books and equipment, these free resources can even become a normal addition to your homeschool routine.
10. Public events or festivals
If you live in an area with lots of public events and family outings, attend some with your students. Common community events include parades, festivals, outdoor movie nights, and fun runs. You can find out what’s going on in a city near you by checking the newspaper, the city website, or social media pages.
Homeschooling with Miacademy
When you homeschool with Miacademy, you can enjoy thousands of lessons and activities on a wide array of topics, with flexible scheduling to make integrating field trips for homeschoolers a breeze! With our powerful parent tools, a comprehensive curriculum, and secure Community features, our all-inclusive membership has everything you need to keep your students learning!
For more information about how Miacademy or MiaPrep can assist you on your homeschooling journey, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer service team! They’ll be happy to help you with any questions you may have.