Historical downtown area of Charleston, South Carolina
Homeschool > Homeschooling Laws by State > How to Start Homeschooling in SC

How to Start Homeschooling in SC

If you’re considering homeschooling in South Carolina, you’re in good company!

South Carolina homeschool requirements are fairly easy to follow. The state offers three options to start homeschooling

  1. Through the local school district;
  2. Through SCAIHS; or
  3. Through a South Carolina homeschool association.

In this article, we’ll explore all three options, so you can start homeschooling in South Carolina with success. 

Home Schooling in South Carolina at a Glance

South Carolina – The Palmetto State

Standardized TestingRequired for Option 1
SubjectsMath, science, history, reading (or literature), and writing (or composition), at minimum.
Time Requirements180 days per year
Graduation RequirementsDetermined by parent for options 1 & 3
Special RequirementsNone
Financial Assistance AvailableYes
Image of Mia Robot standing next to a South Carolina road sign

There are three options to homeschool in South Carolina. Each option is different, so take some time to explore which one will be the best fit for your family!

Option 1: The School District

Families who follow this route must have their chosen curriculum approved by the local school district.

With this option, students must take a readiness test to start first grade. In addition, all students must participate in yearly standardized testing starting in 3rd grade. If the student does not meet minimum standards, the district may require that the student receive additional instructional support. 

Parents are responsible for thorough recordkeeping, including documenting all activities, materials, attendance, and evaluation results. While the school district oversees learning, parents are responsible for graduating their student at the end of their studies. Parents determine when their student is ready to graduate and provide a homeschool diploma.

Option 2: SCAIHS

The second option under SC homeschool laws is homeschooling through the South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools (SCAIHS). SCAIHS is a faith-based organization that provides scheduling assistance, guidance counseling, and other services for homeschooled students.

SCAIHS requires annual membership fees, plus annual testing for students in grades 3-11. Parents must keep track of attendance and provide progress reports for each student.

SCAIHS students receive a diploma from the organization, and they are able to participate in a formal graduation ceremony.

Option 3: A SC Homeschool Association

The most popular option for homeschooling is homeschooling through a South Carolina Homeschool Association. The South Carolina Department of Education provides an updated list of participating homeschool associations for each school year.

This option allows parents to choose their own curriculum and teaching style.Testing is not mandatory with this option.

When choosing a homeschool association, find out if their policies and services align with your needs. Additionally, make sure that association is credible since they’ll have a big impact on your student’s education.

Parent Qualifications 

For all three options, parents must have a high school diploma or equivalent to teach.

Notice of Intent 

For all families who wish to homeschool, be sure to withdraw your student from public school correctly first. You do not need to provide a Notice of Intent to homeschool. However, a formal written withdrawal can help prevent any truancy claims.You may provide the school with a copy of your homeschool association letter if one is requested.

Families who homeschool under the school district must register their child with their chosen district. This is due within 10 days of the first day of school.

Families homeschooling under SCAIHS or with a homeschool association are responsible for registering with those organizations. 


Students between the ages of 5-17 must receive at least 180 days of instruction per year. If you start homeschooling mid-year, the days attending public schools count toward the requirement.

Aerial view of Myrtle Beach in South Carolina


All students in South Carolina must learn the following: 

Beginning in grades 7-12, students must also study literature, as well as writing or composition.

For options 2 or 3, your homeschool association may offer Honors, AP, or elective opportunities for your student. While not required, taking electives helps your student to explore their interests and enriches their education.


For families homeschooling under the school district, all students must participate in yearly state standardized testing. If the minimum standards are not met, additional instructional support may be required.

For families homeschooling under SCAIHS, students must take a nationally normed standardized test annually in grades 3-11. 

Families homeschooling under a homeschool association are not required to participate in standardized testing. However, many parents find that periodic testing is a valuable tool to assess their student’s progress and understanding. You can find standardized tests through online testing administrators. Common tests include the widely used IOWA Test and Stanford Achievement Test-10.

Record Keeping

South Carolina homeschool laws require thorough record keeping for all options. Record keeping must include, at minimum…

  • A list of subjects taught
  • Lesson plans or the amount of work completed each day
  • Samples of your student’s work in each subject
  • Attendance records

Some homeschool programs in South Carolina may require you to keep additional records to those listed above. Be sure to check with your individual organization for any organization-specific recordkeeping requirements.


If your student plans to attend college, they’ll need a transcript to apply. You can make your own transcripts or enroll in an online homeschool program that provides them for you.

Graduation Requirements

South Carolina graduation requirements vary by homeschool option. Under options 1 or 3, the parents are able to decide when their student is ready to graduate. Many families choose to use the SC public school graduation requirements to determine graduation readiness. Parents are also responsible for providing a diploma and, if necessary, a transcript.. 

With Option 2, students will earn a diploma through SCAIHS. The association offers various “tracks” toward graduation, depending on each student’s post-secondary plans. Upon completion, students will be able to attend a formal graduation ceremony. 

Financial Resources

If you live in South Carolina, the Education Scholarship Trust Fund Program can cover homeschool expenses.

This program is an ESA that allows parents in South Carolina to obtain a $6,000 scholarship. This funding helps parents provide a tailored and flexible education for their child. For additional information about eligibility and other requirements, visit the SC Education Scholarship Trust Fund Program on Classwallet.

More Tips & Resources

For more information about homeschooling in South Carolina, check out the following resources:

If you have any questions about how Miacademy and MiaPrep can help you homeschool in your state, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer service team! 

The information provided is intended for research purposes only and is not legal advice. For accurate and comprehensive details on homeschool laws in South Carolina, please consult the official resources and guidelines provided by your state. 


How do I legally homeschool in South Carolina?

To homeschool in SC, parents must… 

  1. Have a high school diploma or equivalent
  2. Follow compulsory school age laws
  3. Teach for at least 180 days a year
  4. Keep appropriate records
  5. Include all required subjects

Do homeschoolers have to take standardized tests in SC?

If you homeschool through SCAIHS or the local school district, your student will have to take standardized tests.

Last updated: 04/02/2024. All information on this site is provided with no guarantee of accuracy. Miaplaza is not responsible for any errors, omissions, outdated information, or the results yielded through use of this information.